The next evolution in Ethereum UX

The next evolution in Ethereum UX

The next evolution in Ethereum UX

23 may 2024

a sleek and sexy mecha pistachio with green and purple colors

At PistachioFi, we leverage cutting-edge Ethereum technology to offer an elite user experience while minimizing the complexities often associated with crypto. Our platform is designed to be accessible for both crypto natives and novices alike.

Seamless Onboarding

Creating a self-custody account with PistachioFi is quick and straightforward. In under a minute, you can sign up using your email or SMS and create a unique username. We securely save your private access key using multiparty computation (MPC), encrypted and stored in your cloud account and our database, ensuring easy recovery in case of loss or theft.

Embedded Smart Accounts

Upon onboarding, we guide you to create a smart account, also known as an account abstraction. This account, generated via a smart contract, offers greater automation and an enhanced user experience. Benefits include free transactions within the PistachioFi network, bundled transactions for gas and time savings, and access to automated features like on-chain dollar cost averaging and advanced trading.

In-App Swap and Bridge Aggregator

Our in-app swap and bridge aggregator allows you to move funds across supported networks at the best possible price, all in a single transaction. You can also deposit funds directly to another address, simplifying complex transactions. In the near future we will also support decentralized cross-chain swaps with both Bitcoin and Solana.

Best-in-class Crypto Onramping

A brilliant fiat to crypto onramp solution, aggregating 19+ onramps and 130+ local payment methods. Enjoy the best fees every time, powered with a routing engine for KYC reduction, risk reduction, country detection, and device detection.

Frontrun Protection

When interacting with the Ethereum Mainnet, all transactions are safeguarded from MEV with built-in frontrun protection, ensuring your transactions are safe from arbitrage bots.

Encrypted Wallet-to-Wallet Chat

PistachioFi features encrypted wallet-to-wallet chat, enabling secure communication, transaction history review, and the sending of gifs and stickers. Our support chat is integrated within this feature, providing easy access to assistance at any time.

Welcome to the Future of Ethereum UX

PistachioFi offers safe, secure, and affordable transactions, all within a user-friendly application. Experience the future of Ethereum with us.

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